Sunday, October 18, 2009

People from New Jersey

Do you really need to drive into the city on a Sunday night to meet Uncle Marty's family at Carmine's?

You are the reason I avoid the Meatpacking District (aka The MPD).

Please read my friend's comment below. Her words are way more appropriate for the main body of this post.

Do people from New Jersey in NYC annoy you? Please comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Another New Yorker's friendOctober 18, 2009 at 1:04 PM

    Oh fist-pumping man do I have a lot to say on this subject. I will begin with this for those Jersey men:
    ~Get over your mothers.
    ~Stop getting so drunk. You are not in college anymore. And, although you drove in with "your boys" for a big night on town, it is just no longer acceptable to be a drunken blacked-out mess. While this does not annoy me weekly, because me and you would rarely be in the same place, when I am drawn to your districts, or someplace liek Galway Hooker by some birthday party I have go to, it does.

    Stop working out. Stop pretending like you are the only people in the country who have the right to like Bruce Springstein. Stop thinking the Giants are your team just because NY was philanthropic and gave you Giants stadium. If you want to be close to New York, go to Hoboken.

    And girls, well you are a whole 'nother post that I will get to. But for now, I would take out your belly ring. Just a piece of advice.
