Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inept Street Performers

I love a good NY street performer. After all, why not showcase your talent & make some extra cash. Keep doing your thing Mexican Mariachi band, robot man, & Dylan impersonator. I don't however appreciate street performers without talent. No, I don't want to hear your terrible rendition of "Imagine" on your guitar, or the one song ( "Pachabel Cannon") you know on the violin. And middle-aged white woman, please refrain from singing Jackson 5's "I'll Be There" with your karaoke machine on the platform. Okay, maybe you can stay. I could always use a good laugh.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Young People who live in the Dangerous, Industrial Wastelands of Brooklyn

Okay, Okay, I know you like the cheap rent, but really, when did it become cool to live in the dangerous, barren lands of Brooklyn?!?! It's like the more dangerous the area, the hipper you are. Really people, read the police reports. Here you are getting off the subway in Bushwick with your monstrous headphones & ipod, & poof there goes a thief snatching your favorite thrift store bag. I say you stick to the already gentrified hipster neighborhoods & stop putting yourself in danger. Us lame Manhattanites want you back.


I'm repeating this, yes. Refer to my older post, but really, stop photographing the city like you're a bat-mitzvah photographer!


Why does every organization/nonprofit in the city abuse us employed/desperate younger folk with useless internships? Yes, yes, we will work for free, but really, can't you sacrifice 5 bucks an hour?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Fashionable" People

no, you're not that fashionable. hilarious:

Friday, October 23, 2009


Don't get me wrong. I love bike riding. It's fun, environmentally friendly, & super cool, but NY cyclists can really get on my nerves. A) they rarely ride on the designated bike path B) they incessantly beep at me with that childish bell for walking at a normal pace C) they act superior to rest of us. Dear cyclist, please stay on your path so I can stop blogging about you.

Hipster Cyclists Versus Hasids: