Sunday, November 15, 2009

Inept Street Performers

I love a good NY street performer. After all, why not showcase your talent & make some extra cash. Keep doing your thing Mexican Mariachi band, robot man, & Dylan impersonator. I don't however appreciate street performers without talent. No, I don't want to hear your terrible rendition of "Imagine" on your guitar, or the one song ( "Pachabel Cannon") you know on the violin. And middle-aged white woman, please refrain from singing Jackson 5's "I'll Be There" with your karaoke machine on the platform. Okay, maybe you can stay. I could always use a good laugh.


  1. I agree, some of the people singing in the subway are just desparate, but lately I've been seeing more and more professional musicians in the subway, mostly at Union Square. Did you see the 'Saw Lady'? She is amazing:

  2. wow, she is amazing. these are the types of people who make NYC so interesting. Thanks for your post Michelle!
